Zoom, zoom, zoom, we're going to the moon

The title of this post harks back to when I used to teach baby yoga classes in my community. Every group would finish with a rendition of this rhyme, whilst everyone flew their babies high above them, amidst lots of laughter.

Our in-person writing circle could no longer continue, due to constraints at finding a suitable venue for us to gather, and that would allow us to continue for free.

After much deliberation, I moved the group online in March 2020, and so far, it has been a great decision.

For me, there's less rushing around after finishing work and trying to arrive on time and create a welcoming space.

Now, I feel relaxed, refreshed and can even be wearing my PJ's.

But what's so wonderful, is that women are more open and expressive in the sharing of their writing. Perhaps the safety and comfort of their own surroundings encourages them to be a little bolder? Who knows, but I do know that it has made the experience richer.

As always, check out the events page for the next upcoming date, and drop me an email if you wish to be included in our next writing circle.

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