Virtual Women in Nature

Following a successful workshop in nature last September, I had planned a follow-up. However, given the current situation, I was wondering if it would work online, and do you know what? It most certainly can. So, Sunday 12 April, I will be hosting a 'Virtual' Women in Nature session. We will begin with a check-in at 8am (I know it seems early, but it's so much nicer when everywhere's so quiet) - there will be a meditation and some reflective writing prompts. I will then send you off into your nearby faraway: this could be in your home, looking out of a window, in your garden, street or nearby park. You will be armed with some prompts to take with you. We will then rejoin as a group online at 11am, for more writing, group reflection, then finish at 12pm. If you want to know more, please do get in touch.