
Showing posts from July, 2017

A wonderful morning writing on dreams, hopes & more

Monday's women's writing group was themed on 'Dreams, Hopes, Visions'. It bought together a wonderful group of women, who each wrote so differently, but with strong themes coming through all the prompts that we used. We can use the prompts in any way we see that serves us in the moment. Sometimes writing from the personal and at others it may be fiction or poetry that emerges. Either way, it produces a rich blend that has once again left a resonance, an echo if you will, of words and sentences that were shared. The theme has not yet been set for our next group meeting on Monday 21 August , but whatever is decided upon, I'm sure that again it will provide depth and insights for all who attend. You are welcome to join us. We meet at Watford Quakers Meeting House, 150 Church Road, Watford WD17 4QB from 09.30 to 12.30. There is a fee of £5.00 which is payable upon arrival.

Conscious Writing Retreat

I recently attended Julia McCutchen's 'Conscious Writing' retreat in Glastonbury. I was filled with trepidation as it was taking place on the same weekend as Glastonbury Festival. Despite some hiccups at Castle Cary station, I arrived full of enthusiasm for a weekend of writing and anything more would be a bonus. It was an incredible weekend as Julia helped us navigate our way through the seven core principles of conscious writing, which are: Presence Alignment Authenticity Balance Simplicity Intuition Connection The weekend was a perfect blend of sessions and free time. It was also fantastic as I got to meet lots of wonderful women who I'm sure will become life-long friends too. In addition, I took part in my first open-mic evening!  If you've never attended a writing retreat I cannot recommend doing so enough. It really is an opportunity to delve more deeply into your writing process and gain results and insights along the way. For those in...

July's theme: Dreams, Hopes, Visions & Desires

Our second women's writing group is nearly upon us. For this month the theme that has been suggested is: Dreams. However, I have taken it a little wider to allow us to really get to grips with some juicy writing prompts that I've put together. Remember: no prior experience necessary - all women welcome. [Image: Google]